The Oxford Saloon

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The Oxford Saloon

337 North Higgins Avenue, Missoula, MT 59802, USA

Tel.: +1 (406) 549-0117

The spittoons are long gone. The ticker tape machines and live keno having bowed out to American technology, replaced with wide screen televisions and electronic gambling. Now, when you enter the Oxford, you are walking on lustrous cherry hardwood flooring, the café shines of new stainless steel appliances. The white walls are graced with enlarged photographs of Missoula and other Montana towns, featuring logging, mining, and of course, the railroad trains and stations. For a moment, you are catapulted back in time. Live poker, electronic gaming still remain, as well the varied customers. Things may have changed over the years, but the Oxford still has the lowest prices for food and drink, and the best place for people watching and the gathering of friends.

The Oxford Saloon Tournois

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The Oxford Saloon Jeux cash

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Jeux habituels dans le club

$1/$3 Dealer's Choice - Buy-in: $10 to No Max Runs: Most evenings

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