Grand Casino Lav

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Grand Casino Lav

Grljevacka ulica 2a Podstrana/Split 21312 Croatia

Tel.: +385 (0)21 420 407

Grand Casino Lav Split is offering Cashgames 24/7 and daily tournaments . Soft drinks as well as the players buffet are included and totally free. Cash gamers playing 2/5 or higher receive à la carte service for free on top.

The pokerroom will open officially on 12 December 2014 with our opening Event.

The Lav Poker Room consists of 20 tables, where you will be able to try out various Poker varieties with different bets. Besides the cash game we also organise tournament series and international tournaments from 3 to 7 days.

Grand Casino Lav Tournois

Start Evénement Buy-in
Tournoi non trouvé
A venir
Date Evénement Buy-in
Tournoi non trouvé

Grand Casino Lav Jeux cash

Jeu en cours

Nom de club Description
Jeux cash non trouvés

Jeux habituels dans le club

1-1/1-3/2-4/2-5/5-10/10-20 NLH&PLO

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